Starting May 5, 1892 A revolution began to take place in the Spiritual evolution of North America. On that day James J. Lynn, Rajasi Janakananda, One of Paramahansa Yogananda’s main disciples was born
near Archibald, Louisiana. Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of The Autobiography of a Yogi and the founder of Self Realization Fellowship, was born Mukunda Gosh in Gorakhpur, India January 5, 1893. Dr. Minnot White Lewis, Yogananda’s first American Kriyaban was born March 26, 1893, and finally John Oliver Black, Yogacharya J. Oliver Black, was born in Grover Hill, Ohio September 1, 1893. Swami Vivekananda also came to this country and spoke to the Chicago Parliament of Religions in 1983. Vivekananda and Paramahansaji obviously called this band of disciples together to bring the science of Yoga to North America.
Yogananda’s work on the physical plane this incarnation ended with his MahaSamadhiMarch 7, 1952. Rajasi became the President of Self Realization Fellowship on Paramahansaji’s passing and his work in this incarnation ended with his MahaSamadhi February 20, 1955. The MahaSamadhi of Dr. Lewis was April 30, 1960. Yogacharya Oliver however continued his tremendous work until his MahaSamadhi September 16, 1989 at the ripe age of 96. Yogacharya Oliver although often overlooked by Self Realization Fellowship may have been Paramahansaji’s foremost disciple. I was present when he told a group of us that Paramahansaji asked him to be President of SRF before his MahaSamadhi, but Yogacharya declined knowing his destiny was his work in Michigan.
Of course, being Yogacharya’s disciple, I am prejudice when it comes to Yogacharya Oliver and such debate services no useful purpose. However, it is widely accepted that Yogacharya was Yogananda’s second most developed male disciple after Rajasi. My intent with this website is two fold. To give information about Yogacharya, his life, his work, and his wisdom and to make available hundreds of hours of recorded meditations, lectures, and Satsangas in Yogacharya’s own voice. And video Satsangas recorded in the mid 1980’s at Song of the Morning. I have preserved these recordings for over forty years, primarily for my own use. But now with advances in technology and the internet I feel guided to
make this wisdom from Yogacharya available to all those truth thirsty souls and the weary, weak, and heavy laden ones that were so often drawn to Yogacharya for help. Yogacharya’s wisdom, joy, and teachings will slowly be made available through audio CD’s, mp3 files, and DVD’s. Some are available now and more will be made available over time. Thank you for your patience and please come back to the site regularly to see changes to the website and CD’s that are available